Employment opportunities in Carrick

Published: Monday, 15 November 2021

Over the three years since the current committee of Coiste Forbartha na Carraige was elected several highly visible projects have been undertaken and completed. This is largely thanks to the support of the community and various funding bodies.

Alongside these projects a lot of work has gone on in the background trying to advance employment opportunities in the area. A lack of suitable premises has proven to be a major obstacle.

Údarás na Gaeltachta currently have very limited available space locally. We have tried to entice Údarás to consider developing the football field site on the line road for the purpose of creating employment opportunities. The cost of planning, development and future management of the site would be borne by Údarás. This is a significant opportunity for the area.

It is approx 35 years since the football field was first used and for much of the intervening time it has lain idle. Estimates on the cost to redevelop it as a sports facility have varied from 0.5 million to well over 1 million euro. Upkeep and running costs would arise if developed. This level of funding is unavailable to the community.

The options will be open for fresh opinions at our monthly public meeting in the Old School on December 2nd at 8:30pm.

At the AGM of Coiste Forbartha na Carraige in January our community will be invited to share their views on the future of the Football Field, with a decision to be taken at that meeting.


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