St Columba's Church Newsletter 17 May 2020

Published: Friday, 15 May 2020




AN tATH DENIS G QUINN 074 9739008/0868578827

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The 6th Sunday of Easter 16th/17th May 2020


The Church

During the week the Churches will be open from 11a.m – 5p.m. for private prayer. No public masses will be held this week and there will be no adoration of the Blesed Sacrament.

This weeks Parish Collection/Donations amounted to €988



There will be times when you will not see the immediate way ahead. You may be filled with panic, wanting to avoid what could be a disastrous step. Remember that you do not always need to see the road ahead.  It is sufficient, for the moment, to see Me!

When the time is right for a choice to be made you will know and I will assist you through it. Until that time be sure that merely keeping close to Me guarantees your moving in the right direction, despite questions and doubts raging in your mind.

When you cannot see clearly the next step, there is a good reason for My withholding that awareness. It becomes a time of trust…trust, very often, that I will simply cause My wish for you to happen! Do not feel the awful responsibility of choosing your path when that is not necessary for the moment. Just hide in Myself and know that you will soon see clearly…

Until then, you are precisely where I want you to be.


Your father knows what you need.         (Matthew 6.8)

Cúimhneacháin Báis  

Died Recently                                                 

Cara Byrne, Arrigle/Birmingham



I Fr Denis G thank you for your co-operation as the churches were open this week. I ask you to continue with the regulations in place for the coming week.

First Communion/Confirmation

Those who were preparing for the sacraments are not forgotten. You are in  my thoughts and prayers. Please God we will celebrate soon.


I ask families to continue to keep their family plot clean and free of old wreaths. Please remove all used flowers from the graveyard.

Parish Quiz

During the coming weeks we will have a Parish Quiz in the Newsletter. All entrants must return on the newsletter. Entrants answer three questions and add €4. The winner will receive 25% of the intake of Draw. No online entrants, all must be left at Parochial House post box by Wed 6p.m.


Q1: What were St Therese of Liseaux Parents names?

Q2: What year did Cannon McDyre Die ?

Q3: What year did Dana win the Eurovision?



Contact Number

Include €4 entry Fee

Download the Newsletter HERE to print


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