Feast of Christ the King 21st/22nd Nov 2020

Masses this week

Due to Diocesan/Government Regulations there will be no public Masses this week. The Church will be open for private prayer. Fr Pat Davis will continue to offer Mass Intentions during the week.

A Prayer of Remembrance

God, thank you for the special people in our lives whom we are remembering in a special way during the month of November. We thank you for being a compassionate God who walks with us in our dark moments of grief and loneliness. We are thankful for all who continue to love and support us through our grief. Lord, continue to be a light for us, giving us hope, direction and courage. May we now live our lives treasuring the memories of those special people we have known and loved and help us to bring light and hope to others. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen

Cuimhneacháin Báis

Died Recently

Hugh Cunningham, Carrick Upper,

Mary Ann Doogan, Crove,

Kevin McGinley, Meenacharvey,

Anna Maloney nee Haughey, London/Teelin, who was buried in London on Wednesday.


John Gillespie and deceased family members, Glen Road, Mass Sat 21st

John, Nora & Una McNelis, Straleel, Mass Mon 23rd Nov

Mae McLaughlin, Clogher, Mass Sat 28th

Anthony McNelis, Ballymore, Teelin,


Advent: Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. This is the first Sunday of the New Liturgical year.


Food for Christmas: Fr Eddie Gallagher P.P Kilcar and Mary Anderson will be sending cargo of non perishable foods to Brother Kevin Crowley OFM in Dublin for the Homeless before Christmas. Anyone wishing to donate can leave their donations in the Prayer Room in Kilcar  Church between Sunday 6th December and Sunday13th December.


A Prayer for Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot receive you now in Holy Communion, come spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never let me be parted from you. Amen


An Tobar Domhain  continues to be livestreamed on the Raphoe Diocese Facebook Page each evening at 9.15pm.  You are cordially invited to join Bishop Alan for this time of prayer and reflection.  It is also livestreamed on the Cathedral Webcam at www.churchservices.tv/letterkenny


Support Line: If you are an older person and would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine.  We are Ireland’s national confidential service for older people. We are open every day of the year from 10am-10pm.  We are older people too, trained to listen and support.  We would love to hear from you.  Freefone 1800 80 45 91

 Download Newsletter HERE for printing 

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