St Columba's Church Newsletter 30 August 2020

Published: Saturday, 29 August 2020


22th Sunday Ordinary Time 29/30 August 2020

Masses this week

Carrick                                                            Mín an Aoire

Mon 7 pm                              

Tue 9.30 am                                                 An Dohmnach 9.30 am

Thurs 7 pm

Fri 10 am

Sat 6.30 pm

Sun 11 am

Offetory Collection  €660. Buíochas

The voice of our Shepherd Jesus leads us

A string ensemble was rehearsing for their concert at a downtown church. The evening’s programme included a wonderful piece of the oboe. The oboist was exceptionally talented, but for some reason the music sounded terrible.

The leader of the ensemble insisted that the oboe was out of tune, so the oboesist adjusted the reed of her instrument to bring it in tune with the other instruments. But the music continued to sound distorted and out of key. The other musicians were becoming increasingly critical and impatient. After several attempts, the leader proposed that the oboe part be dropped from the piece.

An elderly gentleman was sitting in the Church during the ensembles rehearsal. He quietly went up to the leader during a break in the practice and said, “Please forgive me for intruding, but don’t orchestras tune their instruments to the oboe?” The members of the ensemble were dumfounded. They had overlooked a basic performance principle: an oboe sounds the proper pitch, it was the other instruments, tuned to one another that were out of tune. When the other musicians tuned their instruments to the oboe, the music began to sound like music again.


Jesus always sets the note, whereby we are to live. Do we have the spirituality and proper direction to help us recognise Jesus’ voice?

Cúimhneacháin Báis

Died Recently

Eileen Kelly, Sliabh Liag Ave, Months Mind Sat 29th 6.30p.m

James Byrne, Kilcar,


William, Catherine Bridget & Bridget McLaughlin, Teelin, Mass Thurs 3rd 7p.m

Peter Gillespie, Meenavean, Mass Sat 5th Sept 6.30p.m



It remains our responsibility to ensure that our services of worship are safe places for all who join with us. It has become increasingly clear that the wearing of face coverings, in conjunction with hand washing etc., is likely to reduce the spread of coronavirus, thus helping to protect others. Their use is therefore one way in which we can evidence protection for the most vulnerable, support for our health workers, and practical love for our neighbours. Following further recent consultations with public health authorities, we

join with Christian church leaders all over this island in formally

recommending and encouraging the use of face coverings at all services of worship, along with the ongoing maintenance of 2 metre physical distancing, from Sunday 30 August 2020, and earlier if practicable.

Please continue to sign for the Mass you are attending. It is important that all attending observe the guidelines in the Church.  Do not attend Mass if you haven’t signed the forms in the Porch in advance. I appreciate the continued help of people and we need to continue to be very careful and cautious. Those attending Anniversary Masses are asked to notify extended Family outside of the parish of our restrictions and rules regarding numbers in the Church.

Parish Office

The Parish Office will be open for calls and the booking of Masses on Friday from 10a.m – 1p.m.

Anam Cara Donegal, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Thursday 10th September at 7:20pm in the Raddison Blu, Letterkenny. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. * subject to change in accordance with government guidelines*.

A Prayer when visiting the Church

Dear Jesus, lonely in so many tabernacles, without visitor or worshiper, I offer Thee my poor but loving heart. May its beat be a prayer of love for Thee.

Oh sweet Jesus, let me lay at Thy Sacred Feet my daily shares of joys, struggles and sorrows: my hopes, my fears and do Thou in the stillness of Thy Sanctuary, tenderly gather them into Thy Sacred Heart, Bless me before I go!

My Jesus, bless my home and my undertakings. Bless my friends and enemies too. Oh Sacrament most Holy, Oh Sacrament Devine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

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