St Columba's Church Newsletter 21 June 2020

Published: Sunday, 21 June 2020




AN tATH DENIS G QUINN 074 9739008/0868578827

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 12th Sunday Ordinary Time 20/21 June 2020

Fáilte/Welcome Back

Buíochas le Dia and relief that the Church can open for public Worship agus Aifreann gach lá. The opening will be a gradual and a learning process for all of us. We will have to be careful and gently ease our way into Public Mass. Guildelines given by the Diocese and Public Health will have to be strictly followed by priest and community.

Protection from Covit 19 is still very important.

  • Physical distancing(2 meter distance to be adhered to at all times)
  • Good hand hygiene(please use hand sanitiser entering and leaving the Church)
  • Respiratory etiquette(Sneeze cough into your sleeve)
  • Cleaning of used areas in the Church.

 Weekday & Sunday Masses are considered Sunday Masses for the immediate future.

Carrick Church can accommodate up to 40 people at a Mass. During the week people can put their name down for a particular Mass on the forms available at the entrances. Each sheet has the Mass Day and time mentioned.

Mass times: Starting Week of 29th June Mon, Tue Wed 7p.m

                     Thurs 2nd July 9.30a.m No Mass Friday 3rd July.

                     Saturday 4th July 6.30p.m Sunday 5th 11a.m

Mín an Aoire Same as above people will put name on forms provided at Church Porch.

Mass Times Wednesday 1st July 8p.m

                     Sunday 5th July 9.30a.m

All are asked to use the designated seats and respect social distancing. Family seats will be designated. Communion will be given at the end of Mass to minimise movement.

There are many other things we need to consider but for the moment I ask for you co-operation patience and advice at this time.

Go raibh maith agaibh.      

Cúimhneacháin Báis


Paul Gartland, Carrick/Lucan Mass Sat 20th June


This weeks Parish Collection/Donations amounted €405.

Buíochas: Thank you for your continued support to the Parish Collection weekly at this difficult time. You are welcome to place your envelopes or donation through the letter box at the Parochial House

Dates for your Diary: Open Air Bingo being planned to support Parish Funds. More details next week.

Cemetery Sunday: Graveyard Mass postponed.

Novena in Honour of St Therese 29th 30th Sept, 1st October, Masses and Prayers 7p.m

Graveyard Maintenance: The back of the Graveyard/Orchard is not an area for dumping waste from the Graveyard. Families are asked to bring their waste/rubbish home. Please adhere to this. Our Graveyard ground is a Garden to those who have gone before us. May they Rest in Peace.

Old School Carrick: A serious problem has occurred with the ceiling in the Main Hall. We have to wait for details and a report on how best to deal with this problem. Due to health and safety the Old School will remain totally closed for the immediate future.

Mens Shed Mín an Aoire: It is hoped that the above will reopen in the near future. A meeting will be held very soon with the Mens Shed Group and representatives from Min an Aoire Community Centre Group. The shed is closed at the  moment due to Covit 19 and the setting up of new arrangements will take place after the above mentioned meeting.


Winner last week , Ann Cassidy, Croaghlin, €20

Last weeks Answers: St Francis, Brian Friel, Deardaoin.


Q1: Where is the highest Mountain in Ireland?

Q2: Where is Doon Well?

Q3:  Cén abhainn inár baisteadh Íosa?



Contact Number

Include €4 entry Fee

Thank you for your interest and support in the Quiz each week.


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