St Columba's Church Newsletter 27 September 2020

Published: Saturday, 26 September 2020


26th Sunday Ordinary Time 26/27 September 2020

Masses this week

Carrick                                                            Mín an Aoire

Mon 7p.m                              

Tue 9.30 a.m                                       An Dohmnach 9.30 a.m

Thurs 7p.m

Fri 10 a.m

Sat 6.30p.m

Sun 11a.m

Offetory Collection:  €855


How compassionate am I in my daily living, especially when I meet people who live alone, people who when they close their hall door are alone with their memories and with the need to share the good and bad days with someone who cares?

Will I look on the needs of the lonely with the compassion, kindness and understanding of Jesus as he spreads his message of love? Can I dwell on the feelings of Jesus during his agony in the garden, when the picture of his agony hanging in my bedroom is a daily reminder of the pain and heartbreak of the man alone?

No, I cannot pass by the friends of the Lord, because I know what it means ‘to taste and see that the Lord is good’.

In the silence of my heart I must honestly ask the question,

Who are the people in my life who mean the most to me?

It is not the friend who, instead of giving much advice, solutions or cures, chooses rather to share my pain and touch my wounds with a gentle and tender hand:

The friend who can be silent with me in a moment of despair or confusion;

Who can stay with me in an hour of grief

And bereavement, and especially face with

Me the reality of my powerlessness.

That is ‘the friend’ who cares.

What a happier world ours would be if we could sincerely repeat with St Thérése of Lisieux, “In the heart of the Church, I will be love”.

Kindness is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

Cúimhneacháin Báis

Died Recently

Brendan Haughey, Teelin,


Francis & Mary Agnes Curran & Grainne Boyle, Ballymore, Mass Sat 26th 6.30p.m

John & Maggie Byrne, Meenaneary, Mass Sun 27th 9.30a.m

Hannah and James Maloney, Aughera, Mass Fri 2nd Oct 10a.m

Mary T Doherty, Carrick Lower, Mass Sat 3rd Oct 6.30p.m


Please continue to sign for the Mass you are attending. It is important that all attending observe the guidelines in the Church. Face Masks are advisable. Do not attend Mass if you haven’t signed the forms in the Porch in advance. I appreciate the continued help of people and we need to continue to be very careful and cautious. Those attending Anniversary Masses are asked to notify extended Family outside of the parish of our restrictions and rules regarding numbers in the Church


Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open for calls and the booking of Masses every Thursday from 10a.m – 1p.m.


S.N. na Carraige:  Céad Faoistin:  An Luain, 2ú Samhain sa scoil.


Céad Comaoineach:  Satharn, 7ú Samhain @ 12.00 i.n


Novena in Honour of St Thérése

O Father in heaven, through St Thérése of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face you desire to remind the world of the Merciful Love which fills your Heart and the childlike trust we should have in you. Increase the glory and power of your ever-faithful child, Thérése, and grant her to bring to you each day a vast number of those who will eternally praise you.

St Thérése of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, remember your promise to do good on earth; shower down your roses on those who invoke you and obtain for us from God the graces we hope for from his infinite goodness.

St Thérése of the Child Jesus and of  the Holy Face, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen

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